Friday, December 14, 2012

Annual blogging session

I'd call this like once-a-year activity where I acknowledge my much unknown and lost's like an abandoned pup. You think of it every once in a way, you miss it too but you never really go back for it.

Have been considering this for a while now but inertia gets better of me and am never able to gather myself and my time together to write. Like, I waste time on facebook, then there are iGames, tv, real work, house-homework and the endless list of things which does not quite comprise of anything but lame reasons.

What drives me away more are the hopeless writers (can you beat that, there are people who are worse than me!!!), their mediocre styles of writing. Its like sipping on really crappy coffee that you never feel like having coffee ever again..wonder that never happens with alcohol- but then there is no such thing as 'bad' alcohol eh!

But if it all sounds like am just finding ways not to write, well...that is what it is. There is plenty of inspiration but the will. anyone heard that album? Wait, the right question would be why would anyone be interested in listening to peecee....and while I digress yet again, it can make an eligible reason not to be writing - digressing with thought waves like unleashed vagabond kite!

I am thinking of writing a critique-blog soon, you know the work is fairly easy and subjective in nature plus you get the liberty to be mean, bitchy and nasty by virtue of the task undertaken!

Oh by the way I did read this book by madam Preety/Preetie/Pretty Shenoy, looked like her blog compilation...and boy! I must admit I did feel like tearing the book apart first and then myself, if only it were possible. I mean she talked like a stupid teenage parrot rambling about her life - I mean, common I do the same thing but do I go about publishing these into a paperback! Some N no. of bubblegums and stupid candies or something - I haven't chewed on either ever since.

And then there is this lady who addresses her kid as "The child"...'the child asked me questions today and I must say I was amazed....', I felt like asking her if she was considering being a padre anytime....

Not that am a great writer but I have fewer to none readers that I torture either. Whilst rest would argue over my arguments, i.e., if anyone reads, I do feel bad writers inculcate fear in the aspiring ones to stay away.

Thanks to free media, everyones gets to write, publish and if lucky, have followers and readers too but why settle with mediocrity?

And as it turns out that these annual blogging sessions are quite purgative, and that a tiny li'l part of me squeaks out a promise of being more regular...but only time will tell.

Let's see what 2013 has in store after an eventful 2012, the 12.12.12 and the much awaited 21.12.12

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Then and Now...

Just when I had forgotten I write...(I don't actually), my friend and I just casually walk into an Apple centre or say that the compulsive action was due to the strong magnetic field surrounding the store pulling us into it - phew! lateral gravity I tell ya!!

Yes so there we are to watch the magic of..errmm...touch? Iphone actually couldn't really keep me engaged for too long neither could the iPads so I hopped onto the Mac books and in an attempt to be google's whos who I type in my name...LinkedIn-baaah! I mean really? I haven't even remotely been associated with profession professionally, what am I even doing there! Well must have been one of those itchy boring days where instead of scratching my head I decided to open a LinkedIn account...and well then of course the biggest pain- Facebook! I am yet to discover why do I log in at least twice a day on that account and how what other people are doing affects me anyway... well just too much to sit and ponder over skip. Now I see a swell title "Love affair called life". Of course am mighty impressed and almost declaring it to myself out aloud that this cannot be mine, my friend points out to me..its got the WORD "bewitched" here...god I hate feeling predictable! Voila!!! This blog is so mine and so lost (one term that has been quite a constant along the walking years on this earth).

So I rediscover what I had to say then...this was just about an year ago and I still could relate to it! Queasy-uneasy feeling that I haven't gone too far of my old thoughts I still am stuck between the real world and that I create of my own - of magic, of happily ever afters....sigh! The good ol' beautiful world...

Yes I lost trust then I lost faith which took away more of trust and know faith. To cut a long story short I was in dumps. Actually there were a few highs for obscure reasons...but there were if I MAY say so :D
(A useless joke another friend and I shared since we met in the month of May - aha! I told ya it was a useless joke, if et al)

2011..poor thing you! Don't know too many people who loved you, in fact most were really happy to get rid of you. I did too...but in hindsight I would say you were the one who taught me that I am much stronger than I thought I was (PS: Dear God, Thank you I learnt it that I am strong...kindly don't put me through more testing waters. -Faithfully and must admit unfaithfully too yet Your's, ME!) 2011 gave me a farewell gift exactly what it took away from me as it came by - Mr. & Mrs. Trust.

Yes they sit quietly beside me, watchfully also I feel...but they are around. Still looking a bit uncomfortable like unfamiliar guests while I am running around to host them in the best possible is difficult you know, esp when you've been clumsy earlier. I hope I am able to make them feel at home that they'd extend their stay and become family...Mr. & Mrs. Trust, we love to have you around...please stay.

I kept asking for a miracle and just today fairy know The Fairy Godmother just said "Even miracles take a little time" I know am yet to work on them to surface completely and having gathered the previously plundered ingredients namely, faith, hope, joy and laughter...however li'l or feels like I could start all over again, a feeling I had lost back Then. 

And Now, I decide to remember and work on not only dreaming and believing in them but also doing something about them!

Never to forget:
The magic is as wide as a smile and as narrow as a wink, loud as laughter and quiet as a tear, tall as a tale and deep as emotion.   So strong, it can lift the spirit. So gentle, it can touch the heart.  It is the magic that begins the happily ever after.
And that magic lies within!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

You will know...

It all happens when you turn into a new decade or semi-decade where you are mostly referred to as of "marriageable age" when it seems that everyone and everything in converging into you and graphically if I see myself I feel like I have shrunk into the smallest possible element that is visible (because I so wouldn't feel like the powerful photon that creates the nuclear reactions!)

So yes, coming to terms with the arranged marriage thing for an eternally romantic person is a task which is extremely difficult to describe in words. Put together, all I can vaguely define it as not-a-very-pleasant feeling! Siggghhh...why do we even have to go through all of this. Some people really vouch for it. My cousin, and to my luck, we are the same age - so you can well understand what it becomes and what it makes of my life- she willingly opted for the arranged way and I obviously unwillingly have to opt for this. She seems extremely happy and it seems all so beautiful but still am not comfortable with this style for some strange reasons. I wouldn't really say love never happened to me but then it more than anything else, didn't go beyond just admiring someone and hence I would appropriately call myself here -loser!

So I ask this absolutely admirable couple I know (love marriage, of course!) about life, marriage and all the blah and how did they know! The big question - "How did you know!" oh sorry I missed the appropriate punctuation mark (?) but then it is more of a surprise for me than a question. Its a puzzle and I always wonder if I could ever solve it anyway! They just smile, look at each other (there is this beautiful twinkle in their eyes which they exchange) and say, you will know..

My question to all these wonderful couples who are happily married or would be married soon is that what is the hit ratio of your "you will know" concept? I mean I am always puzzled that okay say for once I will know but then what if this Mr. Right of mine doesn't at the same time! How would it work out then? I know and he doesn't! How could one know its beyond a mere like or infatuation and how would I know I would want to be with this person for the rest of my life and more importantly how would I know he feels the same way - wants to spend the life with me wants to know me!

One night I was just struggling with these questions and I listed out all the odd hows I wanted MY Mr. Perfect and not just The Mr. Perfect would want to know etc etc

Actually sometimes we do know but its difficult to confess, to come to terms with it, to think of it I think I know but the odds are the same...does anyone else know - that exactly one anyone else!

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Monday, December 06, 2010


I have been talking to this friend of mine very often and trying to figure out a 10,000 things because mostly he gets me thinking - I like!
Its one of those tangents I  really like walking on..
I was trying to explain him why caviar is discomfiting while mousse is called the comfort food! Its only too obvious. Caviar is an epitome of perfection. That is why it is "Caviar". It is after all unfertilized fish roe which is obtained from this Caspian species of aquatic craniate, in short, it comes from the Sturgeon, a fish found mostly in the Caspian sea. I could have continued in more and more incomprehensible manner of explanation which would only be too intimidating for a person like me! Thats exactly what Caviar would be. Intimidating. Did you know that there is a certain way that it must be eaten, the way it should be served, its accompaniments etc etc. Look at this for example, caviar is Never Ever eaten with a silver or stainless steel spoon, as that can distort its taste. And how exactly is then one supposed to eat it? I mean its caviar after all, you can't be eating it with your bare fingers..well please yourself into the so called indulgence and kindly use a mother-of-pearl or gold spoon or you could opt for one made of horn (wonder if they mean ivory and just because it is illegal to use they would omit mentioning it), wood or glass. Well why not plastic? Because it looks very gauche! I understand it is a luxury delicacy and fascinating as it may seem to be, it would always be something that makes me feel maladroit and disquieting. How does this make Caviar any innocent or misunderstood? It wants to be that way. It likes the kind of attention it gets and pretentious is its first name, let alone second. Its not the people who savor it need be necessarily ostentatious cause some might be driven by sheer curiosity or adventure. It could be that they are crafted into such existence! My point being why would one prefer to call himself an unfertilized egg when they are one hell of a fully grown sperm already! Its beyond my levels of comprehension. And at the same time the claims of being a regular joe. I am sure Joe doesn't like being compared to its anti-counterpart which lacks the capability to deal with banality!
I wouldn't like jello. For a simple reason. It is too simple. Like my friend very nicely described it, "easily available popular sweet and you always get what you see" but ease of availability is hardly flattering. I'd prefer something to be a little difficult to get in the start because that would help you dodge your thoughts as to why are you running behind it anyway. If you get it too easily, you will hardly cherish it and if its too difficult to get or tries to play hard to get, I definitely would lose interest. Its the right balance in not a very balanced sort of a way. It sounds so oxymoronic, I agree but then too much of balance can again get someone off balanced!

This is exactly why I feel imperfections are good. They make the other person feel that they are normal and not lacking anywhere. Nothing is more attractive than really minutely existing details! Its like eating mousse. Sinful rich totally delectable mousse with its near perfection and that is what exactly would make it perfect...the close proximity to perfection but not being there! A creme brulee could be irritatingly perfect but that annoyance it creates in you is again soothing. That burnt sugar that crunch and the moment you put it in your mouth the way it melts but never lets you drown in its melt..the glassy crunch will hit your palate at the right moment to get you out of it!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Blueberry Nights

My Blueberry Nights...
I perhaps have my own.. or it may be a reverie that I have my own...or maybe I just prefer to believe to have of my own
but yes the Blueberry Pie and My Blueberry Nights are embedded forever in my memory cause in strange ways it belongs to me and Me belongs to it.
My fantasy being Mousse... maybe nobody wants to take it... or everyone wants it, too bad I feel like saying, its already mine!

Indeed... How do you goodbye to someone you cannot imagine living without... but somehow we find a comforting blueberry pie

Wonderful bites from blueberry nights!

"Jeremy: From my observations, sometimes it's better off not knowing, and other times there's no reason to be found.
Elizabeth: Everything has a reason.
Jeremy: Hmm. It's like these pies and cakes. At the end of every night, the cheesecake and the apple pie are always completely gone. The peach cobbler and the chocolate mousse cake are nearly finished... but there's always a whole blueberry pie left untouched.
Elizabeth: So what's wrong with the blueberry pie?
Jeremy: There's nothing wrong with the blueberry pie. Just... people make other choices. You can't blame the blueberry pie, just... no one wants it. "

"Katya: Sometimes, even if you have the keys those doors still can't be opened. Can they?
Jeremy: Even if the door is open, the person you're looking for may not be there, Katya. "

How do you say goodbye to someone you can't imagine living without?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

100 things that make you go "Yummmmmm!!!!!!!"

1. Walnuts in Chocolate Walnut Brownie -
Tongue's own conquest to fetch the walnuts in every bite you sink in a brownie!
2. Melted butter on hot toast - Bite it while its hot and the butter oozes into you mout...Yummm!
3. Powder Milk - Eating a mouthful and savoring on the lumps sticking on the palate...yummmm!
4. White butter creamed in sugar!
5. Whipped Cream, of course!
6. Cake batter : The batter has been poured completely in the cake mould... and the spoon screams to you to taste the last of the gooey batter!
7. Crunchy bournvita floating on the milk : Just before the bournvita flakes sink in...the sip becomes bigger to swallow most of the crunchies....yummmmmmmmm!
8. Smell of bread baking or a freshly baked bread...heavenly!
9. Sight of the rising cake: The whole anticipation of how the cake will turn out and you keep looking into the oven every now and then...15-20 mins later...ahh the cake starts rising..starts browning...oh to bite into the crust - yummy!
10. Smell of jeera tadka in ghee... joys of Indian cooking!
11. Gajar ka halwa!!!! - cold winter night and garam garam gajar ka halwaa... yummmyyyy!
12. Salted Chanch: Hot summer afternoon and a glass of yummy buttermilk laced with rock salt...yummm
13. Pinch of salt in Nimbu pani
14. Last bite of chocolate in the Chocolate King Cone! Yumm yumm yumm! 

15. CHAAATS! Teekha bhel, paani puri....yummmmmmmyyyyyyy!
16. Teekha golgappe ka paani
17. Tasting maggie masala before sprinkling it over (and trying to save a bit too to put it on ready maggie!)
18. The smell of sizzling chocolate on a sizzling Chocolate Brownie!!!
19. The chaat masala on tandoori chicken! (And all the other sumptuous variety : tandoor lamb, chicken drumsticks, kareem's kabab's, mutton platter, grilled fish, mustard saus/kasundhi preparation of fish)
20. Bite into the caramel custard...and it slowly meltttttttsssssss in your mouth
21. Hot gulab Jamun with Cold vanilla icecream (or the jodhpur variety of Gulab jamun kept in the fridge :D)
22. Jaljeera/chaat masala on Pineapple and Water melon chunks!
23. Melting Ferrero Rocher Center and crunch of the hazelnut...
24. The last (chana filled) puri after a round of pani puri's....I think I am mostly waiting for the whole thing to get over to reach to the part where you are rewarded with this chana and chattpata masala tipped puri.....yummmmmmm! 

25.The chocolate cream in the bourbon biscuit!
26. Waffles with a hint of cinnamon

Hot, straight out of the oven waffles with hot chocolate sauce and fresh cream~
27. Ginger cardamom tea with bhajias when soaked in rain
28. Smell of cinnamon on hot cinnamon buns/wheels!

29. Melted butter on pao bhaji or maybe melted butter on anything... even a hot chapati!
30. Smell of steaming hot idli!!!! And a idli plate made colorful with chutneys green, red and white!
31. Steaming hot momos and the deadly chilli sauce that comes with it!
32. Sip of Thumbs up right after eating something really spicy...the Ziiinnnggg that lingers in your mouth...yummmm!

33. Salted Roasted Almonds...the first flavors of that something salty then the crunch and the process of blending of it all!
34. Smell of freshly brewed coffee! Take that long deep breath when you pass a coffee shop and how it fills your senses with the rich aroma...reminds me mostly of how jerry would be drawn by the cheese fragrances!
35. Did I say just whipped cream and coffee separately..well they are entitled to the attention but then the cream topping on coffee - hot or cold and as you greedily dive into it..the most delicious bit prefers to sit quietly on your nose sniggering at the futile attempts of your esurient tongue to reach it!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Shall We Dance

Sometimes I often wonder what made people choose St. Valentine for love...of course he did spread the message around for all the mush but then this particular day is special in its own way. If for nothing else you would love yourself..! But it quite magical..too hard to believe its true but for a true Piscean at heart thats how life is. Love is everywhere kinds. Even when we decide on renouncing on believing in this world of our own...we get back to it sooner than the thought of giving it up!
So how I wanted to spend the day.. well just as good as it was. To do something special for loved ones..spend some good time with friends and thats about it.
Wish it would end as that - well it did not. What happens when you are smiling that Radio Indigo is playing your favorite list on iPod and you are smiling at it (generously at that!)... a bus comes and hits your car. A complete transformation of thoughts...thudd you fall on your butt - cloud 9 to ground 0 - a journey that takes a few microseconds. You get down to take a look... ouch!!!! Its an excruciating inexplicable one at that. All useless thoughts start crossing your mind - what was I thinking..why was I happy for no reason, why did this this a consequence of something or was I reprimanded of unintended (sometimes intentional) wrong-doings! None of it would or could ever console you or convince you - it happened cause it had to? - well I don't think so!

Having lost my happy self and moving into a sort of numbness (that is anything but comfortable) - I don't know how to get back to where I was. Somehow I know what would but then that is something more out of my control - it might just come or otherwise. Whatever it is...for now I repeatedly watch the last scene from Shall We Dance.."......., will you dance with me?", with Book Of Love playing in the background and travel into a different plane! Siighh... music and a voice that soothes your soul