Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Blueberry Nights

My Blueberry Nights...
I perhaps have my own.. or it may be a reverie that I have my own...or maybe I just prefer to believe to have of my own
but yes the Blueberry Pie and My Blueberry Nights are embedded forever in my memory cause in strange ways it belongs to me and Me belongs to it.
My fantasy being Mousse... maybe nobody wants to take it... or everyone wants it, too bad I feel like saying, its already mine!

Indeed... How do you goodbye to someone you cannot imagine living without... but somehow we find a comforting blueberry pie

Wonderful bites from blueberry nights!

"Jeremy: From my observations, sometimes it's better off not knowing, and other times there's no reason to be found.
Elizabeth: Everything has a reason.
Jeremy: Hmm. It's like these pies and cakes. At the end of every night, the cheesecake and the apple pie are always completely gone. The peach cobbler and the chocolate mousse cake are nearly finished... but there's always a whole blueberry pie left untouched.
Elizabeth: So what's wrong with the blueberry pie?
Jeremy: There's nothing wrong with the blueberry pie. Just... people make other choices. You can't blame the blueberry pie, just... no one wants it. "

"Katya: Sometimes, even if you have the keys those doors still can't be opened. Can they?
Jeremy: Even if the door is open, the person you're looking for may not be there, Katya. "

How do you say goodbye to someone you can't imagine living without?

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